Alba Public School is a preschool through twelfth grade school located in the small community of Alba, Michigan. The closest city to Alba is Gaylord, just 15 miles to the east. Located in the beautiful Jordan Valley, Alba is a favorite spot for outdoor sports - snowmobiling, fishing, mushroom hunters and just enjoying the great things Mother Nature has to offer
The mission of Bellaire public schools community is to provide an environment which develops self-sufficient and productive cictizens to adapts to challenging and changing world.
Misson Statement-It is the Mission of Central Lake Public Schools, a caring, educational community, to prepare students to be responsible, productive citizens with a lifelong passion for learning, by providing quality programs that promote moral well-being and enhance intellectual, physical, social, artistic and career capabilities.
Concord means peace, harmony.Peace in the world begins with concord in my world,and that can only happen as I am honest,unselfish, kind, considerate, generous,forgiving, and respectful.
Welcome to the Elk Rapids Public Schools website! We hope you will find all of the information you seek and maybe even a few additional "nuggets" that will assist you in some way. Mostly though, we hope you will find on the pages you visit evidence that the Elk Rapids Schools are a great place to learn, where children come first and love and caring are intertwined in everything we do.
In order to “prepare today’s youth for tomorrow’s opportunities” we, at Ellsworth Community School, believe in…providing all students with a relevant and meaningful curriculum;…using emerging technology to transform the educational process;offering students the means to choose their future;providing staff and faculty with professional development opportunities that will improve learning opportunities for all.…providing a safe and effective learning environment.…the importance of communicating effectively in a variety of ways.…being competent and productive participants in our diverse, multicultural society.…being independent, lifelong learners.
Clip,Save and Spread the World.With consideration of federal guidelines and state requirements, specific learning disability eligibility is evaluated using pattern of strengths and weaknesses. ‘Pattern of strengths and weaknesses’ method is based on both assessment and review of achievement scores and performance in a variety of academic areas, with documentation of a pattern of strengths in one or more areas as compared to other areas where the student demonstrates a pattern of significant academic weaknesses.