The Alexander Local School District is always striving to improve the educational experiences for our students. In an effort to achieve this goal, the Alexander Local School District is involved in the Ohio Improvement Process whereby various members of the school community comprise a District Leadership Team. This team works together to develop district level goals, strategies, and action steps to improve instruction. Below is a brief outline of the Alexander Local plan. By 2012 reading and math achievement of students in PK-12 will meet or exceed safe harbor, AYP, or proficiency performance targets as established by grade level measurements. In order to achieve this goal, the district will use summative and formative assessments aligned with standards-based curriculum and instructional materials. The district leadership team will research effective practices and choose assessment methods which support ongoing instructional practices. In addition, Alexander Local will provide embedded high-quality professional development on creation and use of formative and summative assessment. This will be accomplished by reviewing existing curriculum maps or creation of those that do not exist. Each Building Level Team will survey staff knowledge in the formative and summative assessment system. Buildings will develop teams and have them create short formative assessments for use as training tools. They will also identify external support for team assessment creation. The team will provide the staff professional development. Each will create its own reading and math monthly assessments with team support and implement formative and summative assessments with district determined structures and schedules. A second strategy to achieve the Reading and Math goal is to implement district identified research-based reading & math instructional strategies. This will be accomplished by researching effective instructional strategies and choose 3 research based strategies to implement district-wide over a 3 year period. The district will provide embedded high-quality professional development toward these strategies.
Athens City School District is designed to serve as a safe, educational center for lifelong learning. We are dedicated to developing the potential of each individual, encouraging community awareness, and stressing the importance of academic excellence.
The Mission of the Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center is to work in partnership with the community to improve student achievement, build capacity, and raise expectations for all individuals in our service region.