The purpose of the MACCRAY School and Community is to develop individuals who:
1) will acquire knowledge, skills and positive attitudes toward self and others;
2) will function effectively as purposeful thinkers, effective communicators, self-directed learners, productive group participants and responsible citizens;
3) will successfully contribute to the home, community, and work place in a complex and changing world.
The mission of the Minnesota River Valley Education District is to effectively and efficiently assist member districts in meeting the goals they have set for themselves, their students, and their staff.
1. Positively impact student learning.
All teachers in the MRVED will improve their pedagogical and/or content area knowledge and skills. This will result in an increase in academic achievement of MRVED students.
The purpose of school is to enhance student's learning. The main purpose of the MRVED is to assist member districts in meeting this goal. Research has verified that one of the best indicators of student success is the level of quality of their teachers.
Facilitate Best Practices/Curriculum Review and Development Meetings.
Use data to drive educational decisions.
Promote appropriate technology.
Convene Common In-service.
Conduct appropriate professional development for educators.
Assist districts with the implementation of Lesson Study.
Support districts with mentoring programs.
Provide leadership to the administrative teams and boards of member districts.
2. Increase Resources to Benefit Member Districts.
The MRVED will seek and secure grants and funding that are consistent with the vision and mission of the MRVED and member districts. If our schools are to continue the work they now do and to expand, they will need to secure funding to assist them. The MRVED is one way for them to secure funding outside of the basic state aid. The MRVED files for E-rate and Telecom Aid on behalf of member districts.
Secure grants.
Obtain E-rate funding.
Acquire Telecom Aid.
3. Continue to be on the cutting edge of school improvement efforts.
Historically, the schools of the MRVED have been at the forefront of school improvement efforts. It is the goal of the MRVED to continue to be at the forefront and to work with member districts and schools to set aggressive and SMART goals to continue to improve. Each of these improvement efforts will contain assessment tools to measure teacher and student learning.
Stay current on latest research and best practices.
Build strong working relationships with the MDE staff and representatives of other educational organizations.
Meet regularly with elected state and national representatives.