Believing all children can learn, the TFC School District will attempt to prepare each student to be productive in a democratic society and to develop a respect for the need of authority and order. The perception is that each student should have educational opportunities that enhance an understanding of his/her community, emerging global economy and various cultures, health and environmental issues, and diverse career opportunities. The District believes to survive in this rapidly changing world students should have opportunities to gain an understanding of the necessity for continuing educational experiences and a willingness to work towards advanced goals. To accomplish this mission, the District believes that developmentally appropriate basic skills should be taught so each student can attain and appreciate his/her own unique potential in this emerging global and technological society. The development of positive self-concepts, the different learning and motivational styles, critical thinking skills, ethical awareness, and coping strategies are recognized for their own unique importance in developing each student’s understanding and appreciation for lifelong learning. The Thomas-Fay-Custer School District cannot accomplish this mission without the support and help of the District’s families, churches, and other community services and organizations.