Dinwiddie County Public Schools educate over 4,600 students each year in kindergarten through twelfth grade with the help of 700+ faculty and staff county-wide. Dinwiddie County Public Schools is constantly striving to enhance its outstanding academic programs and to ensure continual student progress. With the help of our highly qualified teachers, staff, enrichment programs, and curriculum, we are determined to prepare our students to achieve their future goals and fulfill their career expectations. In addition to our outstanding schools, Dinwiddie is an exceptional county with a great quality of life and a strong set of values. We care deeply about the relationships that connect students and parents to our division. These relationships are the basis for the core values our county prides itself in: honesty, respect and integrity. As many people already know, Dinwiddie County Public Schools is more than just a school division – it is a community that offers the people who live here the chance to belong, to get involved, to grow, and the opportunity to enjoy country living at its best. The mission of Dinwiddie County Public Schools is to provide each student the opportunity to become a productive citizen, engaging the entire community in the educational needs of our children.