The mission of the North Fayette Schools is to work cooperatively to create a safe learning environment which fosters in all students a sense of self discipline, positive self esteem, accountability, responsibility and respect. The result will encourage life long skills, so that students may become contributors in a global society.
Mission Statement: The Oelwein Community School District is “forming the future” by accepting, educating, guiding, inspiring, and caring about students in order that they may achieve their fullest potential.
Mission Statement:
Starmont Schools: Empowering all students with knowledge, skills,
and attitudes necessary for responsible, productive, fulfilling lives.
...Learning is an on-going process. All individuals, of any race, culture, gender, ability or age, shall acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to become lifelong learners.
To provide the Valley Community the highest quality, cost effective educational opportunities for lifelong learning.
The mission of the West Central Community School District is to work together with parents and community and to provide the highest quality education where children and adults grow in knowledge, skills, and respect for the challenges of school and the life beyond.