Comstock Park Public Schools is a suburban school district located north of Grand Rapids, Michigan. It houses approximately 2500 students and is just 9x4 miles in size. The schools are arranged according to the developmental levels of students: Greenridge houses the preschool, kindergarten and PPI programs, Stoney Creek houses grades 1 and 2, Pine Island has grades 3, 4, and 5, Mill Creek has grades 6, 7 and 8, the Comstock Park High School has students in grades 9-12 and North Kent High School houses all of the alternative students in grades 9-12. The school district is housed in 3 townships – Alpine, Plainfield, and Walker. The schools bring the community together.We take great pride in our professional learning communities. The Board of Education, administrators, teachers and support staff are all committed to helping students learn and providing a quality education.Comstock Park Public Schools has shown improvement in student achievement, above the State averages. We are proud of our schools and the reputation that we have built. We have many blessings to be thankful for and many wonderful activities happening in our schools. Working together, we will continue to make sure our schools are safe and caring places where all students learn and grow