Flippin School District will create a caring environment built on nurturing relationships in which students are actively engaged in meaningful learning.
The general mission of all Educational Service Cooperatives, including the O.U.R. Co-op, is set by the Arkansas State Legislature Act 349 of 1985, Section 2, which stipulates the responsibility to:
Meet or exceed accreditation standards and equalize educational opportunities.
Use educational resources more effectively through co-operation among school districts.
Promote co-ordination between school districts and the Department of Education in order to provide services which are consistent with the needs identified by local school districts and the educational priorities of the State as established by the General Assembly or the State Board of Education.
At Yellville-Summit Public Schools, located in Yellville, Arkansas, we continue to reaffirm our mission that education must be a combined effort involving students, faculty, parents, and other interested community members. Together we can make learning a lifelong process in which students are expected to take personal responsibility for achievement. Through a diverse curriculum, we are committed to providing the opportunity for each student to achieve personal success. Through staff guidance, students will be given the tools to identify their talents and become productive citizens in a democratic society.