The Lafayette Charter School is a tuition free public school in which parents, teachers, school staff, and community members are partners in education.
Open enrollment students are welcome any time during the school year for grades Pre-K through 8th grade. We provide busing from the New Ulm, Gibbon, Winthrop, and Lafayette areas.
Minnesota Valley Education District (MVED) school district members and staff work together to provide services to students and their schools to increase learning opportunities. Member districts cooperate in providing and financing educational services such as special education, gifted and talented education, and long distance learning.
Based in North Mankato, Minnesota, the South Central Service Cooperative (SCSC) programs and services are member driven to utilize resources in the most efficient and effective manner possible. SCSC is one of nine regional agencies called service cooperatives, established in 1976 by Minnesota legislation (M.S. 123A.21).
SCSC may be viewed as a service extension of both the participating members and the representative state agencies. Financial support is derived from facilitation of programs and services and from membership dues. A Board of Directors composed of one appointed member and up to twelve elected members governs the service cooperative. The SCSC Executive Director is Les Martisko, Ph.D.
The Minnesota Service Cooperatives (MSC) is a joint powers organization made up of eight of the Service Cooperatives in the state. The Minnesota Service Cooperatives performs planning on a regional basis and assists in meeting specific needs of clients in participating governmental units which could be better provided by a Service Cooperative than by members themselves.