Welcome to American Falls School District #381. American Falls is located approximately twenty miles west of Pocatello, Idaho, on the west end of the 56,000 acre American Falls reservoir. American Falls School District currently houses approximately 1,640 students in five, well-kept, up to date schools.
The American Falls High School, housing grades nine through twelve, is the newest building in the district, with construction being completed in July of 2002. The high school is approximately 142,000 square feet. It is one of finest schools in the area, boasting 40 classrooms, huge media center, an 881 seat auditorium, a 1,477 seat gymnasium, all on an ADA compliant single floor.
Our Mission:
Rockland School District 382 is committed to providing an atmosphere that is safe and friendly where children work together and respect one another. We stress the importance of classroom discipline and responsibility. Students will be competent in basic academic and social skills, including mathematical and scientific reasoning, problem solving, reading, writing, speaking, and technology. The students will recognize their own worth and the uniqueness of each individual. Students will possess mental and physical skills and abilities necessary to be positive contributors to their families, communities, and nation. They will lead full, productive, and responsible adult lives.