Welcome to the Avery School District.
We are a rural school district in the northern panhandle region of Idaho. As of August 2010, we have one active K-8 elementary school in the town of Calder, Idaho. Calder is located 25 miles east of St. Maries on the beautiful St. Joe River in Shoshone County. The Avery Administration office and bus garage are located in Avery, Idaho. Upon completion of grade 8, our students attend St. Maries High School in Benewah County. While the student population is small, the district staff, school board and patrons are very committed to providing a quality education for all students.
The Mission of the Kellogg School District, in a partnership of students, parents, educators and community is to ensure a safe, nurturing environment where people are challenged to achieve:
individual responsibility
academic excellence
personal success and
life-long learning.
Mullan School District is committed to providing a safe, inspiring, enriching and rewarding educational environment and maintaining their maximum potential as successful, productive citizens.