Our Mission: To provide a caring and creative environment that promotes excellence, fosters integrity, and empowers, inspires, and encourages each student to reach his or her full academic, extracurricular, and social potential.
The Public Schools, of Grandfield, believe that it is their mission to provide appropriate, differentiated, educational opportunities for all students identified as having high learning abilities.
Vision: We will train the workforce of the future by providing exemplary educational opportunities. Mission Statement: Our mission is to prepare individuals for success in work and life and serve as a driving force for economic development in Southwest Oklahoma.
TIPTON SCHOOLS VISION STATEMENT: America needs young people who know how to learn, as well as how to read, write, speak and compute. America needs young people with strong interpersonal skills, the ability to contribute to economic productivity and social progress and justice. America needs young people who can acquire, analyze and apply information to think creatively and solve problems. As they become involved in the world of work as parents and citizens, members of the next generation should know how to question, invent, anticipate and dream. We, of the Tipton School community, should work every day to help young people do these things, so that they can move beyond the previous generation, each prepared to make a living, make a life, and make a difference. TIPTON SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT: All employees of Tipton Schools should challenge and guide students to reach their maximum potential.