School Districts >> Indiana Districts >> CANNELTON CITY SCHOOLS

CANNELTON CITY SCHOOLS - Indiana School District

About School District: We believe that everyone has a right to be treated with dignity and respect and that everyone can learn at different rates and in different ways. Thus, programs will be adjusted so that all have a chance to succeed and feel good about their accomplishments. It is the responsibility of all to hold education in high priority to ensure that there exists an atmosphere where success may occur. We believe that learning occurs best when communication is open and when the environment is non-threatening, conducive to creativity, exciting, and mutually supportive.
Contact Phone: 8125472637
Contact Address: 109 SOUTH THIRD ST, CANNELTON IN 47520
Grade Level: Prekindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 1
Total Students: 247
Total Staffs: 49
FTE Teacher: 17
Job/Career URL:

Schools in Cannelton City Schools:
