School Districts >> Massachusetts Districts >> NEWBURYPORT

NEWBURYPORT - Massachusetts School District

About School District: The Newburyport Public Schools are committed to the intellectual, physical, social development and engagement of every student. Within a culture of high expectations for individual and group learning, our students experience rigorous academic challenge, are intellectually curious, and express themselves creatively. Our students enhance their well-being by applying knowledge and skills about nutrition, fitness and healthy behaviors. Our schools are an inclusive and supportive community. As part of this community, our students demonstrate values of personal integrity, sensitivity and social responsibility. Our schools partner with parents and community in significant ways to help achieve this mission. Members of our school community - teachers, parents, staff, and administration - support this mission every day, in every classroom, on every field of play, and in every activity.
Contact Phone: 9784654457
Contact Address: 70 LOW ST, NEWBURYPORT MA 01950
Grade Level: Prekindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 5
Total Students: 2329
Total Staffs: 334
FTE Teacher: 181
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