School Districts >> New Jersey Districts >> NORTH BERGEN SCHOOL DISTRICT


About School District: The North Bergen School District is a neighborhood based school system serving students from Pre-Kindergarten to High School. The North Bergen School System curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey State Core Curriculum Content Standards and State Assessment Program. Class offerings include all required academic subjects as well as well as physical education, art, instrumental and vocal music and research and study skills for our elementary students. We offer full academic and business courses for our high school students including a technology, art and home economics programs. The high school and elementary schools offer an array of clubs and after school activities including a wide range of sports programs.Our Special Services Program includes an extensive program for special needs children, Speech Therapy, ESL/Bilingual Program, Gifted and Talented Program, and many community based after school programs such as the DARE Program. Students are also served by strong counseling and guidance services coordinated by the North Bergen School District Guidance Department. Guidance counselors provide educational, vocational, social and personal counseling to assist students in the process of analyzing and developing their own abilities, aptitudes and values. Counselors strive to help students recognize and fulfill their potential through the development of realistic goals and providing information regarding college and career decisions. Our teachers receive in-service training through workshops conducted by various experts from both inside and outside the local school system. The workshops include reviewing standardized testing results such as the High School Proficiency Assessment, Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 New Jersey Assessment of Student Knowledge and District Assessment. Core Curriculum Content Standards in Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and other subjects are also the focal points at various sessions. The North Bergen School System with the support of our Board of Education Administrators, Supervisors and Teaching Staff members have continued to provide sound educational services and proven classroom instruction that have enabled our students to excel in the New Jersey State Assessment at the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11 grades.
Contact Phone: 2018681234
Contact Address: 7317 KENNEDY BLVD, NORTH BERGEN NJ 07047
Grade Level: Prekindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 7
Total Students: 8051
Total Staffs: 1268
FTE Teacher: 574
Job/Career URL: n/a

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