School Districts >> Ohio Districts >> BENJAMIN LOGAN LOCAL

BENJAMIN LOGAN LOCAL - Ohio School District

About School District: It is the purpose of the Benjamin Logan Local Schools to provide educational opportunities for all youngsters regardless of race, color or creed; to include in the curriculum, courses geared to today's economic and social demands on young people; and to give basic training for all students - whether their intent is furthering their education or taking an immediate place in the community. Education must begin with the individuals, teaching them to know and understand themselves and their relationships and responsibilities to others. It must give them the realization that any society is the result of the contributions of all. It must provide motivation for self-imposed discipline, for good moral standards, and the acquisition of skills and knowledge suited to the individual.
Contact Phone: 9375939211
Contact Address: 4740 COUNTY RD 26, BELLEFONTAINE OH 43311
Grade Level: Kindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 3
Total Students: 1746
Total Staffs: 220
FTE Teacher: 100
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