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About School District: CVU provides its students with an extensive and comprehensive curriculum, offering a variety of programs and more than 150 courses. The school is committed to a philosophy of heterogeneous grouping, allowing students to choose an academic path best suited to their learning goals. There are no curricular tracks. The program elected by each student should reflect his/her individual interests, abilities, and needs. Students are encouraged to enroll in the most demanding program possible. This allows the choice of various paths, including college, job training, etc., after the successful completion of high school. School Counselors provide each student with assistance in self-understanding and in the selection of courses, both yearly and on a long-range basis. Students in the ninth grade are enrolled in a Core Program, earning a total of five credits, in English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Health/Physical Education. All tenth grade students are enrolled in English 10 and Making of the Modern World (Social Studies), and are expected to enroll in a program that includes courses earning a total of at least six credits. Students in grades eleven and twelve enroll in a minimum of courses totaling five credits. Within the CVU curriculum, students are offered the opportunity to travel and learn about other cultures. For example, Spanish and AP Biology students may travel to Costa Rica. Travel seminars have brought students to China, Italy, Dominican Republic, England, Ireland and Wales.
Contact Phone: 8024827100
Contact Address: 369 CVU RD, HINESBURG VT 05461
Grade Level: 9th Grade to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 1
Total Students: 1199
Total Staffs: 202
FTE Teacher: 96
Job/Career URL:
CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UHSD #15 - Vermont School District
Contact Phone: 8024827100
Contact Address: 369 CVU RD, HINESBURG VT 05461
Grade Level: 9th Grade to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 1
Total Students: 1199
Total Staffs: 202
FTE Teacher: 96
Job/Career URL:
Schools in Champlain Valley Uhsd #15:
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