School Districts >> Vermont Districts >> GEORGIA SCHOOL DISTRICT

GEORGIA SCHOOL DISTRICT - Vermont School District

About School District: We are a Pre K-8 school system. Our total student enrollment is 658. The average class size is 17 in Pre K-4. The average class size is 19 in 5-8. We have a combination of multi-age/single grade classrooms. Instruction to students is offered in all academic areas, as well as in physical education, both vocal and instrumental music, art, enrichment and computer. We employ 15 professional specialists to provide services to students with special needs. We have one of the most modern Learning/Media Centers in the State of Vermont. We have 2 computer labs, mobile laptop labs, as well as computers in the classrooms, enabling our students to access the latest in technology. School hours for students are 8:05 to 2:55. Transportation is provided for our students and we plan our bus routes so that no student rides longer than 45 minutes to or from our school. Our graduates can attend the high school of their choice. We have students attending BFA St. Albans, BFA Fairfax, Essex, Colchester, South Burlington and Winooski. Students may enroll in Kindergarten if they are 5 on or before August 31st. Our staff, with an average tenure of 20 years is extremely dedicated to our students. Historical data validates our belief that Georgia students are successful.
Contact Phone: 8025246358
Contact Address: 4416 ETHAN ALLEN HWY, SAINT ALBANS VT 05478
Grade Level: Prekindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 1
Total Students: 908
Total Staffs: 109
FTE Teacher: 56
Job/Career URL:

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