School Districts >> Arkansas Districts >> MENA SCHOOL DISTRICT

MENA SCHOOL DISTRICT - Arkansas School District

About School District: Each child learns to his fullest potential, has positive self-esteem, maintains peace of mind, and is accepted by peers, teachers, and the community. All people are productive and participate in educational, social, and community life activities. The community is responsible with families and schools to provide a safe environment, to educate, to enrich, and to assist with resources and opportunities for all children. Families participate in the child's learning and social education by knowing what the system is teaching and incorporating it in everyday life. Communication unifies and coordinates curriculum and enhances daily life skills, work atmosphere, and overall growth. Teachers, students, community: together we can make good things happen.
Contact Phone: 4793941710
Contact Address: 501 HICKORY, MENA AR 71953
Grade Level: Kindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 4
Total Students: 1816
Total Staffs: 259
FTE Teacher: 131
Job/Career URL:

Schools in Mena School District:
