School Districts >> Washington Districts >> TUMWATER SCHOOL DISTRICT

TUMWATER SCHOOL DISTRICT - Washington School District

About School District: Tumwater School District provides a safe, caring, and supportive learning environment for students. Our academic focus is based on four questions: What do we want each student to learn? How will we know if each student is learning it? How will we respond when a student is experiencing difficulty? How will we respond if the student already knows it? Our Mission and Focus: Each day our staff of just under 800 employees carries out our mission to provide “Continuous Student Learning in a Caring, Engaging Environment.” Our academic focus is to help each child succeed by setting achievement goals and then using data to closely monitor progress and adjust instruction. To do this we encourage and support staff collaboration and professional development. We strive to create a safe, supportive environment in which all students feel connected and valued, while growing academically.
Contact Phone: 3607097000
Contact Address: 621 LINWOOD AVE SW, TUMWATER WA 98512
Grade Level: Kindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 14
Total Students: 6392
Total Staffs: 635
FTE Teacher: 334
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