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Falls County School Districts
The first priority of Chilton Independent School District is its students. The district provides a safe, nurturing environment where excellence is expected and teamwork is encouraged. Parents and community members support the high standards set forth by the school board, adminstration, faculty and staff. As a result, our students are socially responsible and fully equipped to excel in any future endeavor. Chilton ISD is a source of pride for its students and their community.
The mission of the Marlin Independent School district as a harmonious, culturally diverse educational organization, which values knowledge as key to success, shall be to create a dynamic learning environment which produces lifelong learners that are productive citizens who ethically and intellectually contribute to the betterment of society.
Rosebud-Lott ISD believes that all children can learn. Our mission is to create a supportive learning environment that nurtures self-esteem and physical well being, while enabling students to reach their fullest academic and social potential. The District accepts the responsibility for preparing students in a changing world. Rosebud-Lott ISD is classified as a 2A UIL district. The Board, administration, staff and communities served by the district are committed to upholding a tradition of excellence and constantly work to improve student achievement in the classroom and in extra-curricular endeavors. Rosebud-Lott ISD is located in the heart of the Central Texas Blackland Prairie.
Westphalia ISD Mission Statement - "Westphalia Independent School District is committed to excellence in education which will allow students to realize their potential in an environment of mutual trust and respect."