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Jasper County School Districts
The staff of Brookeland ISD believes that ALL students can learn. We believe that our school’s purpose is to educate all students to high levels of academic performance while fostering positive growth in social/emotional behaviors and attitudes. We accept the responsibility to teach all students in a challenging, meaningful way that allows each child to become a literate, contributing adult. Brookeland ISD is a center for sound learning, academic discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom through advanced course offerings, high academic standards and aggressive, innovative instruction. The students of Brookeland ISD will excel and compete academically with any students in the country.
The Buna Independent School District was established in 1908. Located in Jasper County and accredited by the Texas Education Agency, the district provides a quality education for pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Also provided are special education programs for pre-school and school age children and a career and technology education program on the secondary level. The district serves a population of more than 8,000 with a school age population of 1,480. Mission Statement: The development of social and academic skills that assure all students the opportunity to become productive members of our democratic society is the primary mission of the Buna Independent School District. The belief that all students can learn is integral to accomplishing this mission.
Evadale Independent School District is a school district, located in a rural logging community about 25 miles north of Beaumont. The district serves approximately 468 students in grades PK-12. Their needs will be dictated by an everchanging society. Decisions made today will affect the quality of education they receive tomorrow. Evadale Independent School District board of trustees, administrators, teachers, and staff are committed to meeting the needs of all students so they may be better prepared for the future and the world of work. The staff, parents and community of the Evadale Independent School District believe that students must have equal opportunity to benefit from an instructional program of quality. Students will have a wellbalanced, assessed curriculum with goals and objectives clearly stated and effectively taught. The instructional program will be meaningfully organized and monitored. Students will be provided with a physically and emotionally safe place to learn. The school will be clean, pleasant and orderly. Mutual respect will exist between staff members, students and parents.
The Mission of Jasper ISD is to provide an excellent education for all students. The Vision of Jasper ISD, in partnership with parents and the community, is to educate with compassion and dedication so that every child can be successful.
The primary mission of the Kirbyville Consolidated Independent School District is to provide for all students the life-long skills necessary to interact productively and successfully in a democratic society. Inherent in this purpose is the belief that all students can learn when provided an environment of high expectations for academic achievement supported by exemplary student behavior. This commitment is extended to maximize the development of each individual’s unique abilities and talents.