Chester-Joplin-Inverness High School is a public institution that serves the educational needs of four rural communities located in north-central Montana: Chester, Joplin, Inverness and Whitlash. The geographic area is characterized by rolling prairies with the the Sweetgrass Hills rising to nearly 7,000 feet in the north western part of Liberty County. The population of approximately 2,400 gives an average density of 1.6 persons per square mile. Farming and ranching are the principle industries of the area with 97% of Liberty County's land area active in grain and cattle production.
Chester-Joplin-Inverness High School is a public institution that serves the educational needs of four rural communities located in north-central Montana: Chester, Joplin, Inverness and Whitlash. The geographic area is characterized by rolling prairies with the the Sweetgrass Hills rising to nearly 7,000 feet in the north western part of Liberty County. The population of approximately 2,400 gives an average density of 1.6 persons per square mile. Farming and ranching are the principle industries of the area with 97% of Liberty County's land area active in grain and cattle production.