We Believe: All schools will be safe, inviting places to learn. All students can learn at high levels. Helping all students learn requires a collaborative effort. In a focus on results--evidence of student learning--to improve professional practice and respond to students who need intervention or enrichment. Each student deserves an effective teacher. In strong, competent leadership at all levels. In high expectations with accountability at all levels. In a school culture of continuous learning. All schools must develop strong communication links with parents, families, and communities. Everything must be done with excellence in mind (promotion of efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement). Our Vision: Equality of educational opportunities for all students. Effective educators (teachers and administrators) at all levels. High quality data-driven professional development. Learning cultures that are interesting, inviting, and challenging. State-of-the-art technology in every classroom. School cultures of continuous learning for students and staff. Active, strong parental involvement