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Navarro County School Districts
The world in which we live is in a constant state of change. Blooming Grove ISD must be aware of these changes and provide an educational foundation that prepares students to be productive citizens. The district assumes responsibility for helping students reach their potential by providing a curriculum that includes, English, fine arts, health, physical education, and technological literacy. Our purpose is to help students acquire knowledge of citizenship, economic responsibilities and the American way of life. Opportunities will be provided to develop logical thinking skills, independence, creativity and effective communications.It is our goal to help students develop intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally, morally and to develop personal responsibility. We feel that if students acquire these skills, they will be equipped for daily living. To accomplish the stated mission, Blooming Grove ISD will emphasize quality, equity and accountability.
MISSION: Corsicana I.S.D., in partnership with parents and the community, will teach a rigorous and relevant curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment, preparing our students to succeed and work in a diverse world and encouraging them to become lifelong learners.
The Dawson Independent School District is a public school district based in Dawson, Texas. DISD serves southwestern Navarro County in Central Texas, including the unincorporated community of Purdon, Texas. An extremely small portion of the district extends into neighboring Hill County. The mission of DISD is to provide each student a meaningful, challenging education, delivered in a safe learning environment, that prepares him or her to be a capable, productive, and contributing citizen. DISD's motto is "Striving for Excellence".
The mission of Frost I.S.D. is to educate each student to his or her fullest potential so that they may become a productive and successful member of our society. This mission must be a coordinated effort among administrators, the school board, and community support. The Frost School System will strive to develop a curriculum varied enough to meet the needs of the child in relation to the problems of society. The district will strive to develop an integrated, well-balanced individual who will become a citizen who cherishes the democratic idea, who realizes that democracy implies responsibilities as well as privileges, who will be capable of further training or entry into the occupational world, and who makes wise use of leisure time. All students will be taught a core of curriculum of English-language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, health, physical education, and technological literacy. To the full extent of their individual abilities, students will be provided the opportunity to develop the ability to think logically, independently, creatively and to communicate effectively. Educating our children to be productive in a changing future necessitates an excellent educational system. A system that can accomplish this mission must be characterized by quality, equity, and accountability. Such a system will have the vitality to prepare our children for the changes and the challenges of the future, a future that will belong to the educated.
Mission Statement: The mission of Kerens Independent School District is to provide the best education for every child utilizing all available resources. Our Vision: Kerens Schools will be a cutting-edge school district academically, technologically and athletically.
Rice Independent School District Vision Statement: Rice ISD is committed to providing a continually improving, quality education for all students in a positive, supportive, and safe environment that fosters student creativity and learning guided by experienced, well trained, and highly qualified professional educators. The district will reflect the expectations of the community by promoting open communications with students, parents, faculty, and other school district stakeholders, while emphasizing the fiscal responsibility and providing meaningful opportunities for parent and community involvement. The Leadership Team of Rice ISD understands the importance of our professional educators and strives to attract, retain, and provide outstanding professional development opportunities that accentuate the importance of the teaching and learning process. We seek to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be successful today and in the future in a rapidly changing 21st century. To accomplish this vision the education and welfare of the whole child will be our highest priority.