The School District of Newberry County is the second largest employer in the County and the sole local education agency serving Newberry County. Our mission is to engage students at all levels in educational experiences that ensure success and life-long learning. In several of our elementary schools, we offer pre-kindergarten and Montessori for children from age three through grade five. Montessori education practice helps children to develop creativity, problem-solving, social, and time-management skills. Our middle schools are working with students to develop individualized programs of study that are implemented in our high schools. Learning opportunities for our middle school students include Gateway to Technology that emphasizes math, science, and technology. In our high schools we strive to provide a comprehensive curriculum to address individual needs of all of our students. This framework design allows for an integrated, multi-dimensional approach to planning that helps students become successful learners for high school and beyond. The curriculum and instruction is provided in five areas of study: Arts and Humanities, Business Management and Information Systems, Engineering, Manufacturing and Industrial Technology, Health Science and Human Services and Public Services. We provide a dual credit program with local colleges and advance placement programs allowing students to gain college credit during high school. The competency-based curriculum at the Newberry County Career Center enables students to acquire skills and knowledge for gaining employment and reflects the employment needs of local businesses and industries. We provide specialized skills, hands-on training, and appropriated workplace ethics.