The Central Kansas Cooperative in Education provides special education services for twelve school districts in Central Kansas. It covers over 4,000 square miles and serves a school population of over 14,200 in preschool through grade 12. It provides special education services to approximately 2,931 exceptional students with a staff of 620.
It began as a federal demonstration project, The Central Kansas Diagnostic and Remedial Education Center. In 1971, twelve districts drew up a cooperative agreement to band together to provide special education services. Under this agreement, USD 305 was designated as the sponsoring district. As such, it represents the CKCIE in meeting the legal requirements as set forth in the state laws pertaining to cooperatives and all fiscal matters are managed through USD 305.
The governing body is the Board of Control which is composed of the twelve district superintendents. Administrative responsibilities are assumed by the director and assistant director with the assistance of regional coordinators.
A ll p e r s o n n e l in th e
d is tr ic t s h a ll d ir e c t th e ir e f f o r ts to w a r d a c h ie v in g th e g o a ls a n d o b j e c tiv e s o f
th e b o a r d in o r d e r to in s u r e th a t s tu d e n ts a r e a b le to f u n c tio n e f f e c tiv e ly in
th e ir e n v ir o n me n t, e mp lo y me n t, a n d c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n a l e f f o r ts A ll p e r s o n n e l in th e
d is tr ic t s h a ll d ir e c t th e ir e f f o r ts to w a r d a c h ie v in g th e g o a ls a n d o b j e c tiv e s o f
th e b o a r d in o r d e r to in s u r e th a t s tu d e n ts a r e a b le to f u n c tio n e f f e c tiv e ly in
th e ir e n v ir o n me n t, e mp lo y me n t, a n d c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n a l e f f o r ts .
Salina USD 305 is the second largest employer in Salina and a key component of the community’s economic vitality.
The city was founded in 1858 with the motto "Religion first, Education second, Business third." The community sits in the center of Kansas at the interchange of interstates I35 and I70. This positions the city of 50,000 as a regional hub for business, medical services and cultural activities.
The Southeast of Saline School District has a proud history of student success. The “one campus” district design allows the district to offer a variety of student programs while creating one of the most efficient school systems in the state. The students of SES are consistently recognized at the local, state, and national level for educational excellence. This excellence has become a trademark of the district and is the direct result of the dedicated and hardworking students, staff members, parents and patrons working together.