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Walker County School Districts
HISD Mission: The Huntsville Independent School District will establish a family atmosphere with students, parents and community to provide comprehensive, equitable educational experiences based on national and state curriculum and testing standards, and innovative teaching, in a caring, safe environment. Student progress and personal development will be monitored and measured to assure that each student advances to his/her highest potential. The educators, parents, community members, churches and other agencies will provide the support for a comprehensive, rigorous, curriculum, other student development programs and facilities to assure the overall development of each student. Each student will experience the latest learning technologies, advanced math, science, communication skills and the appreciation of the arts in order to become a competitive player in a diverse, global environment.
District Mission Statement: The faculty and staff of the New Waverly ISD believe that education is a joint effort of the school, the home and the community. Through the cooperation of students, parents, teachers and administrators, all students will be given the opportunity to learn in a positive climate with high expectations. This will be evidenced by high levels of academic performance, enhanced self-esteem, and acceptance of social and personal responsibility. We accept as our mission the preparation of all students to become productive citizens in society. “Together We Can”.
The Raven School, located on the main campus of GCTC, was founded in 1998. The Raven School provides educational resources and the opportunity for youth to finish their high school education. An open-enrollment charter school dedicated to education and vocational training. At-risk youth from all regions of the state of Texas graduate from the Raven School.The Raven School conducts GED, vocational and Drivers Education training, which are integrated into the trades skills training, making the learning experience practical and more meaningful. Teaching occurs in the classroom, in the vocational shops, in the Library, and on the work sites.
Mission: The mission of ESC Region 6 is to ensure excellence to the educational community by providing quality services. Vision: Dedicated to educational success for all.
Windham School District (WSD) provides academic and vocational education to eligible offenders incarcerated within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). Windham operates in the Correctional Institutional Division. The district, which began operation in 1969, was established by the Texas Legislature and was named by the Texas Board of Corrections for the late James M. Windham, a 24-year member of the Board. It is the first education system of such scope to be established within a statewide prison system. Classes are conducted in prison units across the state. The mission of the Windham School District is to provide appropriate educational programming and services to meet the needs of the eligible offender population in TDCJ and reduce recidivism by assisting offenders in becoming responsible, productive members of their communities.