Mission: The mission of the Glens Falls City School District is to provide a safe, positive and stimulating environment — one that fosters self growth, a passion for continuous learning, confidence and the ability to succeed in a changing world.We promote excellence through high expectations and evolving standards for students, staff, parents and community. The challenge is to reach one’s personal best while respecting each person’s individuality.We make it our responsibility to be accountable for the implementation of this mission and to model behaviors that are influential to the character as well as the mind.
Mission: The mission of the Glens Falls City School District is to provide a safe, positive and stimulating environment — one that fosters self growth, a passion for continuous learning, confidence and the ability to succeed in a changing world.We promote excellence through high expectations and evolving standards for students, staff, parents and community. The challenge is to reach one’s personal best while respecting each person’s individuality.We make it our responsibility to be accountable for the implementation of this mission and to model behaviors that are influential to the character as well as the mind.
The mission of Johnsburg Central School is to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to learn in a positive school environment designed to promote academic excellence and to meet individual needs. To fulfill this mission the JCS staff will work together with the community to help students become responsible, independent, lifetime learners.
Our board of education philosophy, school mission statements, and programs are designed to accommodate individual potentials. We hope the information provided gives you an understanding of our commitment to help individual students achieve success.
2010-11 BOARD of EDUCATION GOALS :By 2014:All students will be involved with extra-curricular and service activities either in or out of school.All students will have literacy skills on or above grade level.98% graduation rate.90% of all students at or above proficiency on state tests with 40% or more at mastery.All students will develop dream plans and make progress toward reaching their dreams each year.
The mission of Warrensburg Central School is to provide our children the opportunity to become productive members of an ever-changing society by working with the community to develop each child's unique abilities, fostering self-esteem, and encouraging respect for others.