Wood County School Districts
Vision: To be a leader in academic excellence and community service in a small school setting. Mission: To provide a safe environment to encourage the desire for life-long learning and success utilizing resources effectively and efficiently.
The School District of Marshfield offers a comprehensive public education for all students from 4K through 12th grade. We have a tradition of excellence in our district that reflects the dedication and talents of our professional and support staff. Our schools are ranked among the state's and nation's best by national publications. By working as a team, all district employees are commited to ensuring the success of our students while instilling a love of learning and achievement, a strong work ethic, self-discipline and respect for self and others.
VISION STATEMENT: Empowering all students to succeed in a global community. MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Nekoosa School District is to develop students who excel academically, act responsibly, display good character and citizenship, and reason and solve problems rationally. We focus on preparing our students with the skills they will need to succeed in today’s global community.
Our Vision: Expecting Excellence and Innovation, Honoring Legacy and Embracing Partnerships. Our Mission: Expecting Excellence and Integrity from all, developing Innovative students, strengthened through Partnerships with parents and the community.
The members of the Port Edwards Public School Community believe that we offer a unique and competitive educational opportunity. Nestled along the Wisconsin River our village and surrounding townships offer a family friendly atmosphere. We serve our youth and residents through a beautiful park system, intercity bike trails, and a community YMCA. This small suburban school district has a dedicated staff and an open flexible attitude toward instructional innovation. These qualities are key and allow us to address the academic and social needs of every student in an academy-like atmosphere. The District considers the residents of the Village of Port Edwards, the Townships of Seneca and Cranmoor, and the Moccasin Creek Mobile Home Park to be loyal Blackhawks. Our communities take pride in the traditions of the school district and take seriously our commitment to meeting the changing needs of today’s students. Our high school of approximately 150 students offers college preparatory classes through rigorous classroom instruction, collaborative programs, postsecondary options, and virtual instruction. The high school curriculum includes a full range of mathematics, science, social science, and language arts offerings. The vocational education departments play an important role in our services to students and include courses designed to prepare students for life, technical colleges and the work force. 77% of the graduating class of 2010 exited with plans for a postsecondary education. Our middle school students have access to career exploration courses and foreign language courses beginning in sixth grade. Our experienced middle school team works with the individual student to ensure that they are fully prepared for high school and the developmental transitions that are a part of adolescent growth. Our elementary school maintains small class sizes. For grades 4K-5 this ensures a personalized and successful start for our young learners. In cooperation with the YMCA our four-year-old kindergarten is located at John E. Alexander South Wood County YMCA. Our program is half days and is in session five days per week. The Port Edwards School Technology department is directed by a full time technology expert and our technology standards are integrated throughout the curriculum. Our buildings house four computer laboratories and a portable computer system in the middle school area.
The Wisconsin Rapids School District serves the City of Wisconsin Rapids; Villages of Biron, Rudolph, and Vesper; Wood County Townships of Arpin, Grand Rapids, Hansen, Rudolph, Saratoga, Seneca, Sigel, Sherry; and Portage County Townships of Carson, Grant, and Plover. A unified school district with a school enrollment of approximately 5,325, the Wisconsin Rapids Public School District includes eight K-5 elementary schools, a middle school serving grades 6-7, a junior high school with grades 8-9, one senior high school serving grades 10-12, one grades 11-12 charter school specializing in health occupational training, an at-risk alternative high school for grades 9-12, 4K programming which is held in some of our elementary schools as well as off-site at community partner organizations, and virtual programming for grades 4K-12. MISSION STATEMENT: Working together with home and community, we are dedicated to providing the best education for every student, enabling each to be a thoughtful, responsible contributor to a changing world.