The Wisconsin Rapids School District serves the City of Wisconsin Rapids; Villages of Biron, Rudolph, and Vesper; Wood County Townships of Arpin, Grand Rapids, Hansen, Rudolph, Saratoga, Seneca, Sigel, Sherry; and Portage County Townships of Carson, Grant, and Plover. A unified school district with a school enrollment of approximately 5,325, the Wisconsin Rapids Public School District includes eight K-5 elementary schools, a middle school serving grades 6-7, a junior high school with grades 8-9, one senior high school serving grades 10-12, one grades 11-12 charter school specializing in health occupational training, an at-risk alternative high school for grades 9-12, 4K programming which is held in some of our elementary schools as well as off-site at community partner organizations, and virtual programming for grades 4K-12. MISSION STATEMENT: Working together with home and community, we are dedicated to providing the best education for every student, enabling each to be a thoughtful, responsible contributor to a changing world.