School Districts >> Maine Districts >> RSU 01 - LKRSU

RSU 01 - LKRSU - Maine School District

About School District: District Goal: Increase the percentage of students who are proficient in literacy and math by 10% as measured by local assessments* and/or increase the percentage of students making a year's growth in literacy and math by 10% as measured by local assessments .The administration will establish a practice/protocol to review and modify the following major initiatives.Continue to align our curriculum, Pre-K to 12, with the Common Core Standards.Continue all efforts for early intervention, including Pre-K, RTI, PBIS, and strengthen our special education delivery system.Continue professional development that supports better instructional practices within the current budget.Create better partnerships with parents and community members to actively participate in children's education
Contact Phone: 2074436601
Contact Address: 34 WING FARM PARKWAY, BATH ME 04530
Grade Level: Prekindergarten to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 8
Total Students: 2154
Total Staffs: 317
FTE Teacher: 170
Job/Career URL:

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