School Districts >> Pennsylvania Districts >> PHILADELPHIA HARAMBEE INST CS

PHILADELPHIA HARAMBEE INST CS - Pennsylvania School District

About School District: The Harambee Institute of Science and Technology Charter School is an African-centered public charter school that teaches students' the critical life skill of Education for Self-Reliance through the tools of science and technology. Located in the heart of West Philadelphia, Harambee holds the distinction as one of Pennsylvania's first public charter schools, and the Commonwealth's first African-centered charter school. Today, a number of African-Centered charter schools have been established throughout Philadelphia, modeling Harambee's success. Our Vision: Our vision is to employ the knowledge of science and technology as a means of promoting self-reliance in the African American community specifically and the world community in general. Our Mission: The mission of the Harambee Institute of Science and Teclmology Charter School is to develop and encourage children from kindergarten through 81h grade to fully participate inthe exploration of science and technology.The mission of the Harambee Institute of Science and Technology Charter School is to develop and encourage children from kindergarten through 8th grade to fully participate inthe exploration of science and technology.
Contact Phone: 2154728770
Contact Address: 640 NORTH 66TH ST, PHILADELPHIA PA 19151
Grade Level: Kindergarten to 8th Grade
Total Schools: 1
Total Students: 545
Total Staffs: 42
FTE Teacher: 20
Job/Career URL:

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