School Districts >> Texas Districts >> BOB HOPE SCHOOL

BOB HOPE SCHOOL - Texas School District

About School District: Bob Hope School exists to increase the number of students who will graduate from high school and seek their full potential in either the workforce or to college. We expect that all students will be prepared to compete successfully in the marketplace. Bob Hope School’s philosophy is as follows: • We believe each person has merit, dignity and can make a valid contribution to society. • We believe in the “total” child including mind, body and spirit. • We believe in Hope. Hope for the future of each of our students. • We believe in success, academic, vocational and independent living.
Contact Phone: 4099833244
Contact Address: 2849 9TH AVE, PORT ARTHUR TX 77642
Grade Level: 6th Grade to 12th Grade
Total Schools: 1
Total Students: 246
Total Staffs: 35
FTE Teacher: 22
Job/Career URL:

Schools in Bob Hope School:
